Why Do People Take Horny Goat Weed
- Oct 19, 2018-

Why Do People Take Horny Goat Weed?

Some men take horny goat weed in the belief that it’s a natural alternative to drugs for erectile dysfunction (ED). Although still preliminary, there’s new evidence to support the idea. A 2008 lab study found that a compound in the herb blocks the effects of an enzyme that restricts blood flow to the penis. Epimedium, the suspected active component of horny goat weed, appears to act as a phosphodiesterase inhibitor, similar to some drugs used for ED. What’s more, the study indicated that horny goat weed could theoretically work better -- and cause fewer side effects -- than current drugs for erectile dysfunction.

Horny goat weed has also been studied as a treatment for other conditions, like osteoporosis and hardening of the arteries. The results from studies conducted abroad show promise, however better clinical studies are still needed.

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