Fenugreek extract is a very useful medicinal material for humans. In the broad and profound Chinese medicine and Chinese traditional medicine culture of various nationalities in our country, the influence of Chinese herbal medicine is far-reaching, and recently it has also begun to be a traditional Chinese medicine in foreign countries. The prevalence of fenugreek is fenugreek. It is 20 to 80 cm high. The whole plant has aromas. It can cure a series of diseases in humans, thus freeing humans from the problems of diseases. Technology allows people to extract certain pairs of plants. There are beneficial ingredients for humans. Who really understands fenugreek extract?
Fenugreek is a kind of stem erect, multiple tufts, coat; three compound leaves alternate; leaflets long ovate or ovate-lanceolate, long 1 ~ 3.5cm, width 0.5 ~ 1.5cm, both sides are viscous; petiole Long, stipules commissure commissure; flowers sessile, 1 ~ 2 axillary; calyx tubular; corolla butterfly, white, later faded yellow, base purplish; stamens 10, disomy; ovary linear, capsule Slender, flat cylindrical, slightly curved, length 6 ~ 11cm, width 0.5cm, with veins and pilose, long at the tip.
Since fenugreek seeds contain alkaloids such as gentamicin, papaya, choline, and trigonelline, saponins are mainly diosgenin, saponin, and a small amount of desulfoglycan, traces of saponins. The arabinose glycosides and flavone glucosinolates, esculin, luteolin, and other flavonoids are also isolated.
The general composition of fenugreek seeds is: moisture 10.30%, ash 3.15%, fat 7.61%, total protein 16.97%, total sugar 3.68%, cellulose 6.4%, hemicellulose 11.98%. The fatty oil had 92.9% of solid fatty acids, 1.5% of volatile fatty acids, and 0.9% of unsaponifiable components; 6.25% of lecithin and 0.5 of phytosterols. The main fatty acids are linoleic acid and palmitic acid, and a small amount of oleic acid and linolenic acid. 55% of nuclear protein in protein. The total sugar is mainly galactose and mannan, but also contains vitamin B1-320 microgram%. The leaf contains about 43 mg of ascorbic acid. The whole plant is also rich in calcium, iron, and carotene. Therefore, humans can use technology to extract ingredients that are beneficial to humans and benefit humanity.