Cnidium Extract

Cnidium Extract

Cnidium Extract

Active ingredient: Osthole 35%

Product Details

Cnidium Extract

Active ingredient: Osthole 35% 50% 98%

Cnidium is a native Chinese plant that has also been identified in the US in Oregon. Cnidium is a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that has been used for thousands of years, especially for dermatological conditions. It has been a common ingredient in Chinese lotions, creams, and ointments. A pro-erectile herb, Cnidium monnieri and its main bioactive known as osthole appear to have mechanisms similar to Viagra in penile tissue and the hippocampus. The usable parts of cnidium are the fruit, seed, and whole plant. Active properties of cnidium extract are the coumarin derivatives including:

1.      Osthol

2.      Imperatorin

3.      Isopimpinellin

4.      Xanthotoxin

5.      Bergapten


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